Thursday, August 14, 2008


Shut up, you all talk to much!!!! LOL.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Email me your Gamertag URLs

For those that are members, I would like to add your 360 Gamertags and PSN IDs. You will need to register at if you have a 360 and you have to link your PSN Ids through the site. You should get the URL from both of those sites. It's all fee and only takes a couple of minutes.


Alright so I have been looking around for Justin and Seabee since they dismantled their forum, but did you talk to them or is this something you are doing on your own?

I assume you spoke with them, so tell them they need to check out and look at the year on it. I found it interesting.

Testing new format

Hi All,

This is a test of our new clan format. What we hope to accomlish here is to get everyone back in touch. We are allover the world and on numerous systems (yes, this means you Col.Jessup playing with your WiiWii). Many have been found on COD4 on the 360, but there has been some crossover with the Number One Drunks on the PS3. SOCOM is coming out, and many of our old friends may get reunited especially given the popularity of the clan system and clan battle system ready to go into place in Confrontation.
